Our Products
We offer a number of farm fresh products including pork, poultry, eggs, honey and heirloom seeds. Our farming business is constantly changing as we try new things and learn what works for our little farm. To learn more about our products, check out the links below. If you have other products that you are interested in seeing offered, please let us know. We are always excited to here what our customers want and always up for a new adventure.
Pastured Pork
We specialize in the Large Black Hog, a heritage breed known for the red coloration and superior marbling qualities of its meat. The fat of this breed also has a higher smoke point which in turn produces a higher quality lard. Our hogs are raised farrow-to-finish on pasture and woodland ground where they have daily access to a variety of forage plants as well as mulberries, acorns, walnuts, and apples. They additionally receive a free-choice ration of corn, soybean, and mineral as well as tons of produce from our garden.
Click here to learn more about our pastured pork.
Pastured Poultry
In the spring of 2018, we will begin raising pastured poultry. Our birds will graze on pasture, housed in 10' x 10' pens that are moved daily. Confinement is necessary for broilers (meat birds) because they do not instinctively seek shelter at night and therefore are vulnerable to nighttime predators. If you are interested in purchasing pastured poultry, we encourage you to contact us as we will be producing a limited number of birds until we can determine how much demand there is for our poultry.
Click here to learn more about our pastured poultry.
Free-Range Eggs
We currently maintain a flock of approximately 100 laying hens of various heritage breeds. Our birds have free range of the farm from sun-up to sun-down, consuming their fill of forage plants, berries, seeds, insects and garden produce (sometimes without invitation). When we do our final harvest of the garden in the fall, the ladies get an all-you-can-eat buffet of peppers and pumpkins which gives their yolks an almost red tint from the high concentration of health-promoting carotenoids.
Click here to learn more about our free-range eggs.

Raw Honey
We are pleased to offer a limited amount of raw honey, available each year beginning in early October. Our bees produce a light amber honey that is finely flavored and smooth. We do not heat, filter, or otherwise process the honey in any way. It is simply spun out of the comb and run through a strainer to remove large chunks of wax. Unlike store-bought honey, which has been filtered to prevent crystallization, our raw honey contains pollen and tiny bits of wax, natural ingredients thought to be important reducing some seasonal allergies.
Click here to learn more about our raw honey.

We operate a Woodmizer portable bandsaw mill. Our logs are locally sourced, from discarded trees cut down by a local tree service and occasionally from trees felled for neighbors. The majority of our wood is oak, but we do occasionally get maple, ash, poplar and walnut. We can cut lengths up to 20' in any dimension, giving us the ability to mill an endless array of dimensional lumber as well as live-edged slabs, mantels, and large timbers for post-and-beam construction. Our mill is fully mobile, so we can come to you if you have a tree that you would us to custom mill.
Click here to learn more about our lumber and milling services.
Heirloom Seeds
In addition to farming, we operate a small heirloom seed business called Thresh Seed Company. We sell a number of heirloom and open-pollinated vegetable, flower and herb varieties which have all been trialed in our own home garden. We additionally do some of our own seed production and breeding of open-pollinated beans and peppers. For more information about our heirloom seed business click the link below or visit our website at www.threshseed.com
Click here to learn more about our heirloom seeds.