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Raw Honey

In 2017 we started our first two honeybee hives.  We were told not to expect much of a harvest in the first year because the bees would spend much of the season drawing out comb and building up their populations, but we were elated to collect 165lb of honey that season!  We think the bees benefited from the abundance of pollinator plants available to them.  Our farm is surrounded by hundreds of acres of pasture and our county does not spray or mow ditches, which has resulted in a wide diversity of native plants.  We are excited to see what next year brings.  If our bees survive the winter, we will split the hives next season.



Raw Honey

We offer for sale a limited amount of raw honey, available each year beginning in early October.  Our bees produce a light amber honey that is finely flavored and smooth.  We do not heat, filter, or otherwise process the honey in any way.  It is simply spun out of the comb and run through a strainer to remove large chunks of wax.  Unlike store-bought honey, which has been processed and filtered to prevent crystallization, our raw honey contains pollen and tiny bits of wax, natural ingredients thought to be important reducing some seasonal allergies.

© Black Boar Heritage Farm Proudly created with


2883 283rd Lane

Stuart, IA 50250

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